Network Update | February 3, 2022
“Your voice in your community”
Superintendent Toby Schneckloth shares how you and your church can be a positive and powerful voice in your community during challenging times.

Vision Fellowship Weekend
A ground breaking special event happened in Ewing, O’Neill and the surrounding communities. Three of our Network churches came together last weekend to have conversations on how they could work together for outreach and how to help each other serve their communities.
Ewing Full Gospel Church, O’Neill Word of Life and O’Neill Assembly of God came together on Saturday and did equipping exercises, DISC personality evaluations, outreach discussions and discovering the realization that they need each other in a variety of ways to sustain church and personal health.
Sunday they did a joint worship service at Word of Life. Each pastor preached a ten minute message and afterwards they had a potluck meal and more discussion on outreach.
“We had lots of fun, fellowship and great conversations about working together.” Jim Lautzenhiser
“Even though we are different, we need each other and we can partner to impact our region.” Mark Hoffman
“I took away the value of seeing that we are part of a bigger plan and watching churches come together to worship and dream about partnering together to reach our communities.” Mike Durre
Chris Clinchard

Church name and location: Currently serving as the Family Pastor at Victory Road in Norfolk, but will soon be pursuing a church-plant in Wayne.
Years pastoring in your current position: Since July of 2021 – we’ve been here only about 7 months.
Years in pastoral ministry: 17 years, the last seven of which (prior to our move to Norfolk last summer) were spent pastoring missionary kids in Turkey & Central Eurasia.
Tell us about your family: My wife Crystal & I have been married since 1996, and we have four kids: Jonathan (23) lives & works in Adrian, MI; Jacob (20) is a junior studying accounting at UNL; and Jessica (16) & Jordyn (15) are still at home with us.
Pets: We have a cat named Adrian, who is temporarily living with Crystal’s sister in Lincoln (until we find a home in Wayne). We have also promised our daughters we’ll get a dog just as soon as we move there, too!
Hobbies: I enjoy movies, reading, family game nights, bicycling & good coffee.
Favorite Sports Team: GO HUSKERS!!!
Favorite Food: There’s nothing so wonderful as a good Nebraska steak!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself: I have spent time in 15 different nations.
ACMR – Still time to get it in!
Just over half of our Network churches who have submitted their ACMR. Please take time to fill out your church ACMR, they provide necessary information for Vision Nebraska.

He still opens blind eyes today – Mike Durre
We had a lady in our church who had lost complete eyesight in her left eye and her right eye was blurred because of contracting Covid in January. She had an eye appointment so the night before I prayed with her for complete healing. Not only did we pray and agree for complete healing, but that the Lord would bring the healing before she walked through the doors of the doctor’s office.
This is what she testified to me:
“OK!!! I just left the eye doctor and the macular hole on the pictures from a week ago was just a spot now. The retina was smooth. The purple blob was minimal. The doctor said there isn’t anything wrong with me now! The healing happened sometime this morning! I can resume normal work and I am so excited!”
GO GOD GO! Thank you for sharing this testimony Pastor Mike!

Please provide us with personal information changes
Please update your personal and contact information in Realm or send Kim an email: to update your information. This includes getting married, welcoming a new child to the family, change of address or a new email, we want to stay current with you.

March 4-5, 2022
For all ministers under 40 and their families! Get more information through the button below.
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