Network Update | June 6, 2022

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Ministers’ Retreat August 8-10, 2022 

 Healthy Ministers – Brent Braunberger



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Register Here


Lodge motel rooms & shared 2 bedroom cabins available.

Rooms are limited so register early!

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 Shannon Cargile

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Agency name & Location: Chaplain for Sarpy County Sheriff / Bellevue Police and Fire

Years pastoring in your current position: 6 years

Years in pastoral ministry: 10 Years

Tell us about your family: My husband, Kevin, and I will celebrate our 22nd anniversary next month. We have owned and operated Aire Serv Heating & Air Conditioning for 17 years. We have twin sons, Connor and Jacob, who are 19. They both attend the University of Nebraska Omaha. Connor is majoring in Business Administration with minors in Management and Marketing while Jacob is majoring in Architectural Engineering with a minor in Mathematics.

Pets: We have a 12 week old English Cocker Spaniel named Boudreaux Bear. He is the sweetest and absolutely cutest puppy!

Hobbies: Sand volleyball, reading, and just being outside with my family. I love summer!

Favorite Sports Team: Liverpool FC

Favorite Food: Mexican or pizza (depending on the day)

Tell us a fun fact about yourself: On our vacation in Cancun, I swam with whale sharks and it was awesome!


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God’s overwhelming love brings the right match at the right time.

Bellevue Pastor To Receive Life Saving Kidney Donation From Lead Pastor. 

Watch a video from KETV News here.

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Congratulations to 6 Boys who accepted Jesus at the 2022 Royal Rangers Spring Pow-wow!

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2022 Multiply Council Business Document

Nebraska Ministry Network 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes Link

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2022 Summer Camp Season 

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2022 Youth Camps Link:

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2022 Kids Camps Link:

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Please Provide Us With Personal Information Changes

Please update your personal and contact information in Realm or send Kim an email: to update your information. This includes getting married, welcoming a new child to the family, change of address or a new email, we want to stay current with you.

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Open Churches

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General Council

Burton – Assembly of God

Taylor – Assembly of God

District Council

No open churches

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Upcoming Events

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