Network Update | August 1, 2022

Property Purchase Opportunity and Special Business Meeting

 Superintendent – Toby Schneckloth

Here is the link for the resources promoting the camp adjacent property sale, please click here.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 27, 2022  4:30 PM Central.

West region – Scottsbluff First Assembly

Central region – The Crossing Retreat Center

East region – TBD





Healthy Families Make Healthy Ministers 

 Angela and Avalon Loven




Register Here


Lodge motel rooms & shared 2 bedroom cabins available.

Only a handful of lodge rooms and cabins left so register now!

Spanish Family Camp

 September 3-5, 2022

This is a great time of families connecting and coming together to worship the Lord.

Information coming soon. The Crossing welcomes anyone who would like to serve at this camp. Please contact The Crossing Retreat Center (308) 324 2361





Bobby Cunningham

Church name & Location: Epic Church – Lincoln, NE 

Years pastoring in your current position: Almost 2 years

Years in pastoral ministry: 14 Years

Tell us about your family: Jonae and I have 4 kiddos

Micah – 12 , Lilli – 9, Selah – 6, Ade – 3

Pets: Percy the dog

Hobbies: Guitar playing, soccer with Micah, movies and camping (although those two are not normally at the same time)

Favorite Sports Team: Not a major sports guys, but I have converted and will say, “The Huskers” of course!

Favorite Food: Espresso

Tell us a fun fact about yourself: Both Jonae and I grew up in Europe as missionary kids. We actually started dating while in high school in Romania.


New Realm Text Number

Realm Text Phone Number: Please be aware that all texts coming to you from us through Realm now have a personalized phone number that is unique to us. That number is: (308) 320-5420. Feel free to add this number to your contacts so that you’ll recognize it as coming from us and is not a junk or spam number. Please note: this is NOT our office number. Do not attempt to call this number as it is unmonitored; it is ONLY for texts. Our office number remains unchanged at (308) 384-1234.

Credential Application Deadline August 1, 2022

To request a credential application please click here.

For more information on the credentialing process, please call Leroy Wyre (308) 672 2344

Please Provide Us With Personal Information Changes

Please update your personal and contact information in Realm or send Kim an email: to update your information. This includes getting married, welcoming a new child to the family, change of address or a new email, we want to stay current with you.

Open Churches

General Council

Burton – Assembly of God

Taylor – Assembly of God

District Council

No open churches

Upcoming Events

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