Nebraska Missions on the Move
Nebraska Ministry Network Missions Director – Brad Novosad
Nebraska Missions on the Move
Nebraska Ministry Network Missions Director – Brad Novosad
Please don’t make me do another crazy renewal video!
It is time to renew your credentials for ministry, the deadline is December 31, 2021. Please help us out by renewing before the deadline.
The “Values Added Videos” will be asked about on our upcoming renewal forms
You can also access these videos by logging into your AG Passport account.
Mike Durre
Church name and location: O’Neill Assembly of God, O’Neill, Nebraska
Years pastoring in your current position: 16 years
Years in pastoral ministry: 17 years
Tell us about your family: My wife Patty, and I, have been married since October, 2006 and have lived in the North central Nebraska area our entire lives, except for college days. We live on our acreage just outside of O’Neill.
Pets: A dog and a cat; outside cats, an outdoor rabbit along with a few chickens!
Hobbies: I enjoy smoking meats and sausage making, wildlife watching and auctions. Patty enjoys crafting, scrapbooking, decorating, baking and reading.
Favorite Sports Team: Love me some Huskers, even when they are not on their game!
Favorite Food: Italian and Chinese
Tell us a fun fact about yourself: I can pronounce the alphabet in one word and I’ve also killed more deer with my vehicles than with a gun!
Nebraska Ministry Network Calendar Update
The Crossing Retreat Center in Lexington, NE. has become a well sought after conference location. Ministry event bookings are at an all time high!
With that said, Men’s Conference (360) is moved to April 8-9, 2022.
Please update your personal calendars. –Thank you!
Open Churches
General Council
Burton – Assembly of God
Taylor – Assembly of God
District Council
Hebron – Assembly of God
Mitchell – Assembly of God
Minatare – Assembly of God
Upcoming Events