• Every minister would walk holy, work hard, and worship Him
  • Every immediate family member of our ministers would be saved
  • At least 1 PK from each section would grow up to become a pastor in our network down the road
  • Healing for any illness or disease within our ministers and their families


  • Messages would be INSPIRING
    • God’s anointing on all of our communication
    • That we would get people’s attention, turn heads, and make headlines so people take notice
    • That we would strive to become excellent in preparation and presentation
  • Worship would be INVITING
    • God’s presence would saturate all of our activities
    • That others would be attracted to our ministries and feel welcome with us
    • That God would surround us with quality, skill, and talent for our productions
  • Outreach would be INCLUSIVE
    • Each ministry would become a microcosm of its community, with all areas represented
    • That each week we’d see visitors in our meetings
    • That each month we’d see people saved, filled with the Spirit, and called into ministry
  • Finances would be INCREASING
    • Each church would be able to pay their pastors appropriately
    • Each church would have at least 40 members, and 1 staff member for every 40 members
    • That each church would have the funds to modernize the facilities and resources
    • That each church would invest in missions around the world and vision around the network
  • Raise up leaders as an INHERITANCE
    • That each ministry leader would identify an assistant
    • That every ministry would have at least 1 person in the credential pipeline each year

Share What the Lord is Speaking

Let our Superintendent know what God has been speaking to you. We want to hear what has been happening in your life and church!